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Patrick T. Pruyne

Patrick T. Pruyne

Patrick T. Pruyne No comments

Free USR Sportster ROM Upgrade

Patrick T. Pruyne writes: Owners of U.S. Robotics v.34 Sportster modems should act fast to receive a free ROM chip upgrade. Until 12-Jun-95 users providing a proper serial number will receive the chip (manufacture date 18-Apr-95) at no charge

Patrick T. Pruyne No comments

Conflict Catcher 3

Casady & Greene's major upgrade of Conflict Catcher moves the previously shadowy task of system extension management to front and center. No longer content with being just an indispensable aid in ferreting out incompatible system components, Conflict Catcher 3 offers enhanced features, easy control via the menubar, and much more. Duct Tape and Baling Wire -- In earlier days, system extensions were the exception rather than the rule

Patrick T. Pruyne No comments

USR Sporster Chip Replacements

Patrick Pruyne writes: USRobotics has begun shipping chip swap kits to owners of USR Sportster v.34 and v.FC modems. The user-installed chip replacements are offered, in part, to address compatibility problems which can occur when either the USR Sportster v.34 or v.FC communicate with a non-USR v.FC modem