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Richard C.S. Kinne

Richard C.S. Kinne

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

Newton MessagePad Regains Its Email Voice

Amid little apparent fanfare, Apple released its free CompuServe Mail Software for Newton 2.0 client last week. This software has been anticipated since Apple announced plans to discontinue eWorld (see TidBITS-318), resulting in many disgruntled Newton MessagePad users who had relied on eWorld for Newton email connectivity. CompuServe Mail Software for Newton 2.0 can be considered a replacement for the eWorld mail software built into the Newton OS 2.0 ROMs

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

Stars on the Cheap

Silicon Valley doesn't have a monopoly on good software, of course, but when it comes to planetarium simulators, the United States may well be trailing behind

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

Speed Doubler Quickens the Pace

The world is obsessed with speed and nowhere is that more prevalent than in the computer industry. Anyone who can find a way to make our computers work faster gains our appreciation - and our dollars. Connectix Software has a reputation of doing more with less

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

SimTower: The Fun of Trump Without the Bankruptcy

Do you ever wonder why Donald Trump built those big towers in Manhattan? What attraction drove him? Now, with SimTower, Maxis Software's newest simulation of our complex world, you can find out

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

Beam Up QuickTime VR

When I learned that my personal hero, Professor Stephen W. Hawking, had sat in the center seat of USS Enterprise and looked around from that vantage point, I was jealous

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

Reach for the Stars with RedShift

As I begin this article, I'm imagining that I'm on a satellite of Mars called Phobos, and I'm watching Mars, which looks like an enormous crescent, eight times the size of the Big Dipper as seen from Earth

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

Links Pro Hits a Hole in One

Links Pro, by Access Software, is certainly one of the prettiest games I've seen on the Macintosh. The trees, lawn texture, and golfers are almost photo-realistic

Richard C.S. Kinne No comments

The "FatNewt": The MessagePad Scribbles On!

Apple introduced Newton MessagePad 110 in early March, and it was immediately picked up and put through its paces by an eager contingent of Newton fans