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Simon Spence

Simon Spence

Dr. Simon Spence has spent nearly 20 years as a Mac consultant in Dublin, Ireland, and has worked with multi-nationals such as Intel, Nokia, and Vodafone on brand personality and identity. (March 2010)

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Pre-ordering the iPad: It’s All about the Brand

Are people crazy to drop $499 or more on a product they've never seen or touched in person? In the case of the iPad, the answer is no, because consumers are buying into the Apple brand as much as they're buying a new computing device. Brand expert Simon Spence explains why.

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The Branding of Apple: The Retail Bridge

In last week's article, "The Branding of Apple: Apple's Intangible Asset," I looked at Apple's brand and what sort of reactions it evokes from consumers

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The Branding of Apple: Apple’s Intangible Asset

In the first of these articles I looked at the basics of brands and the way a brand is separate from both the company and the company's products. This week I'll take a closer look at Apple's brand and the values behind it. Design Supports the Brand -- Throughout Apple's history, groundbreaking design has played a key role

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The Branding of Apple: Brands Embody Values

Branding is big business at the start of the 21st century. We are constantly drawn to (or repelled from) images and messages from companies who ask us to believe them, join them, or react to their products in a certain way