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Category: Opinion

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

Call Me ‘Two Finger’ Mark

I've been using a Mac for 20 years, and a mouse for even longer. Clicking is second nature to me. For the last 13 years, I've been using trackpads, on laptops and even as external devices

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/21-May-07

Powering down without losing state -- Apple's recent environmental announcements bring up the issue of leaving computers running all day and night, and what can be done to conserve energy

Adam Engst No comments

Steve Jobs Addresses Greenpeace at Shareholder Meeting

At Apple's annual shareholder meeting on 10-May-07, the company's environmental efforts played a large role, though one that was undoubtedly reduced in contentiousness by Steve Jobs's open letter, "A Greener Apple," which I analyzed in "Steve Jobs Talks Green" (2007-05-07)

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-May-07

Skype on MacBook Pro -- A reader encounters poor performance using Skype's Voice-over-IP service, but is the problem in his network connection or audio input source? (11 messages) Timeslips in Parallels -- Are others encountering a problem running the program Timeslips in virtualization? (1 message) ICeCoffEE functionality everywhere -- Recent discussion of old Apple Data Detectors technology leads to an awareness of how it's hard to find a solution as easy as Command-clicking a URL to open it in a Web page

Adam Engst No comments

Steve Jobs Talks Green

Steve Jobs has done it again, posting an open letter on the Apple Web site. The previous "Thoughts on Music" letter generated much discussion and coverage of Apple (see "Steve Jobs Blasts DRM," 2007-02-12), and foreshadowed the Apple/EMI deal to drop DRM that followed shortly afterwards (which we covered in "Apple and EMI Offer DRM-Free Music via iTunes," 2007-04-02)

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/07-May-07

Improving Services -- Want to de-clutter your Services menu? Service Scrubber will do the job for you. Have other ideas for how Services could be improved? Post them here

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/30-Apr-07

Everybody Sync now -- Michael E. Cohen's article about SyncTogether brings up a question: is it possible to sync two computers completely (or one user account on multiple computers)? (3 messages) Problems after Security Update 2007-004 -- A reader runs into AirPort connection problems after running the latest security update, and others are there to help

Adam Engst No comments

InterviewBITS: Family Tech Support

Robert Movin's recent article "Switching My Mother to the Mac" (2007-04-02) generated a number of nice comments from people who had engineered similar switches for family members

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/23-Apr-07

iRemote -- An Apple patent filing indicates that the iPhone (or other mobile phone) can be used to control software such as iTunes. Hmmm... (1 message) Apple Store Traffic -- If you're still undecided about Apple's retail store experiment, go hang out at an Apple Store for a while; boxes seem to exit at a brisk clip, according to readers

Ace MacKenzie No comments

The Mystery of the Leopard Ship Date: Solved

[The scene fades in on a dark street. A man is slumped against a streetlight, its yellow glow illuminating his rumpled suit and battered fedora. He straightens, and as he walks off down the sidewalk, subtly taking in his surroundings, he speaks in a low, rough voice, hardened with frustration.] Thursday night, and I had failed

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/16-Apr-07

Leopard delayed until October -- What are people's thoughts about Apple's delay in getting Leopard out the door? (35 messages) Google calendar/OSX contextual menu -- An update to Google's Gmail Notifier adds a contextual menu item for Google Calendar

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Step on a WEP Crack, Break Your Network’s Back

The oldest form of Wi-Fi network encryption, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), is now truly, honestly, deeply dead. Yes, it was dead before, but now it's even more dead

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/09-Apr-07

SpotDJ -- Readers test out SpotDJ, a service for recording and sharing your own radio spots that Adam wrote about recently. (3 messages) Digital watermarks -- How difficult is it to circumvent a digital watermark, such as those that could be embedded within digital music files

NetBITS Readers No comments

It’s “Jiff” and I Don’t Want to Hear Another Word

Logic may dictate the "g" in GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) is pronounced hard, like gift or gefilte fish, but that didn't stop dozens and dozens of readers from offering opinions, many of them hilarious.