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If you’re planning to buy a Mac just to prepare for Copland, you might want to think twice: word on the street is that Copland has once again been delayed. Also this week, everything you could want to know about table tools for HTML, info on ShrinkWrap 2.0, news on a flurry of Web browser releases (including Netscape 3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer), and the conclusion of Adam’s overview of Internet bookmark management utilities.

Geoff Duncan No comments

Holding Your Breath?

Holding Your Breath? Apple is expected to announce this week that Copland (the codename for the next major version of the Mac OS) will not ship until mid-1997, some six months after the previous estimate

Geoff Duncan No comments

ShrinkWrap 2.0

ShrinkWrap 2.0 -- Chad Magendanz has released a major upgrade to his popular disk image utility ShrinkWrap. ShrinkWrap 2.0 supports large volumes (such as CD-ROMs, hard disks, and removable media), self-mounting disk images, and new image formats (including DiskDup+, Apple Drive Containers, and PC disk image files)

Tonya Engst No comments

Taming Your Tables

If you've ever played around with HTML, you know that typing HTML is a picky, but usually straightforward process. HTML tables can be far more complex than normal HTML

Geoffrey V. Bronner No comments

Excel, HTML Tables, and You

One of the basic tools most HTML authors look for is a simple table editor to spare them the annoying task of constructing HTML tables by hand. Since I generally handle the data I use for HTML tables in Excel spreadsheets, I find an Excel add-in to be a great solution, and this article looks at two commonly available tools that work with any version of Microsoft Excel 5.0 (or Excel 7.0 for Windows 95)

Geoff Duncan No comments

Browsers on the Brain

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the Web, there's a flare-up in the mind-share wars between Web browsers. Here's a quick run-down of some recent forays. NCSA Mosaic 3.0b1 -- Remember Mosaic, the program that started the avalanche of enthusiasm for the Web? NCSA has released a beta of Mosaic 3.0 for Macintosh, featuring support for Internet Config, Open Transport, and a variety of HTML 3.0 tags