Despite a heat wave in Seattle, this week’s issue contains news of updates to the popular RAM Doubler and Retrospect, along with details about the contents of the Microsoft Empowerment Pack, an article about Claris OfficeMail, and a look at how to ask search engines to ignore Usenet postings and Web pages. Also, we look briefly at some new and updated programs of interest to Mac Webmasters: MacHTTP, WebSTAR, NetForms, Phantom, LogDoor, and LogRoller.
RAM Doubler 2 Coming -- Connectix has announced that it expects to ship RAM Doubler 2 in time for Macworld Boston this August. Among other changes, RAM Doubler 2 will offer a control panel interface, a faster compression engine, and allow users to triple the amount of memory your Macintosh thinks it has available
Retrospect 3.0A Updater -- Dantz has finally released the 3.0A update to its popular backup program Retrospect. The new version adds support for Windows Remotes, so you can now back up Windows machines on your network using Retrospect
With the Mactivity conference happening this week, there has been a ton of Web-related activity in the Macintosh world. Here are a few of the early announcements along with some news about security issues in MacHTTP and WebSTAR
Registered users of Microsoft's Excel 5, PowerPoint 4, Word 6, or Office 4 should keep an eye on their mail for a free CD-ROM, called the Microsoft Empowerment Pack for the Macintosh
Claris OfficeMail is an interesting solution to the email problems of many small offices and schools. These groups want and need to use email to communicate within their organizations and, given the undeniable utility of Internet email, they also want to be able to send and receive mail from the Internet
Search engines and searching tools have become ubiquitous on the Internet. People flock to search engine sites in order to find information quickly, and the information available comes with startling breadth and depth