Wondering how to run PC software on the Mac? This week we review Virtual PC, Connectix’s entry into the PC emulation arena. We also continue our coverage of the clone licensing situation with news about Motorola’s plans to discontinue cloning, note a new converter for Word users needing to access Word 97-98 documents, and take a light-hearted look at the truly strange contents of the Macintosh curio cabinet.
TidBITS Updates -- The rapidity of important news releases surrounding the clone licensing situation recently prompted us to launch a Web-based project we'd been considering for some time
Word 97-98 Importer Available -- Recently, Microsoft announced plans to release Office 98 for the Macintosh by the end of this year, and - of more immediate interest - released a beta version of the Word 97-98 Import Converter
Despite the disbelief I expressed in some of my previous articles about the clone licensing situation, Apple has done what I then thought unlikely - eliminated at least two major players in the clone game
The good folk at TidBITS, perhaps suffering from spiked Seattle drizzle, have asked me to write an article about my Web site, "Oddities, Curios, and Rarities for Macintosh." Well, hey, why not? We all need love, admiration, and a chance to work off our 15 minutes of Andy Warhol-allotted fame.
The theme of my page is simple enough: it is a downloadable collection of odd, curious, and rare shareware for the Mac
Running Connectix's new Virtual PC is a little eerie. Within a minute of double-clicking its icon, you have a Windows 95 startup screen staring you in the face