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Last week we explored the new possibilities the Macintosh Palm Desktop 2.1 software brings to Palm handheld owners and Claris Organizer users. This week Jeff Carlson takes a tour of the advanced personal organization software, pointing out some of the more confusing bits for Palm handheld users. Also this week, Adam and Tonya go grocery shopping on the Internet via the new, and we report on Adobe’s big announcements at Seybold.

Adam Engst No comments

Groceries in the Mist

Since Tristan was born in January, Tonya and I have been leaving the house less frequently. We can't escape midwife and pediatrician appointments, but we've cut down on shopping - or rather, shopping that we can't do via the Internet

Jeff Carlson No comments

Moving Back to the (Palm) Desktop

Purchasing my PalmPilot a few years ago ended my flirtation with Mac-based personal information management (PIM) software. I experimented with Claris Organizer, but abandoned it because it couldn't synchronize with the PalmPilot