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Our thoughts remain with those affected by last week’s terrorist attacks. Adam writes briefly about the events and Mac companies who are helping out. Elsewhere, Geoff Bronner tests wireless Ethernet on a Palm handheld, and Adam examines how iRemember provides a travelogue of your Web browsing. In the news, Apple cancels Apple Expo Paris, Handspring ships new Visors, and CS Odessa releases ConceptDraw Professional.

Adam Engst No comments

CS Odessa Takes ConceptDraw Professional

CS Odessa Takes ConceptDraw Professional -- CS Odessa today released ConceptDraw Professional, a beefed-up version of the company's powerful and flexible graphics application (for a full review, see "Make the Connection with ConceptDraw" in TidBITS-553)

Adam Engst No comments

Tune In, Help Out, Move Forward

I have no special knowledge of international affairs, nor do I pretend to speak from such a position. But as I've sat, shocked, sick, and numb, over the last few days, I believe that some acknowledgment in TidBITS of last Tuesday's horrific terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is appropriate. My reasoning is simple

Geoffrey V. Bronner No comments

The Other Kind of Wireless Palm

The one portable device I carry that still needs wires is the smallest, a Palm Vx. Until recently, any mention of a Palm OS device and wireless technology involved getting a Palm VII, with its built-in wireless modem, or using a cellular modem