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Adam Engst No comments


FontMonger is a new product in the Macintosh market from a new company, Ares. Like Altsys, though, they're no strangers to the Macintosh market - they're the people responsible for Letraset's FontStudio, Fontographer's main competitor

Adam Engst No comments

Type 1 to TrueType

For the first test, we each converted the New Century Schoolbook Roman Type 1 font with both Metamorphosis Professional and FontMonger. Dave had the following comments on his results. "The real difference between the FontMonger outlines and the Metamorphosis Professional outlines shows up at small point sizes such as 4 to 8 points at 300 dpi on a DeskJet

Adam Engst No comments

Type 3 to Type 1

Since I also purchased FontMonger while I was in the process of converting Type 1 to TrueType, I went ahead and performed a second test. For this test, I first converted the Type 1 font to a Type 3 font, thereby stripping it of the hinting that was initially part of the font

Adam Engst No comments

Outlines to PICT

As part of some design work I was doing, I converted a few Type 1 fonts to outlines and compared the results. Metamorphosis Professional and FontMonger take very different approaches here

Adam Engst No comments


I knew if I didn't include a section on speed, someone would surely send in a note to MailBITS telling me that I forgot something (not that it will stop you - thanks for keeping me honest), so here it is

Adam Engst No comments

Bottom Line

In the first test, Dave liked FontMonger's conversion best, I liked Metamorphosis Professional's best. Dave's DeskJet tends to have larger dots than my PLP, so the larger dots may partially make up for the thinner strokes