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It’s a grab bag week here at TidBITS, starting with Jeff Carlson passing on iChat AV tips and examining PalmSource’s elimination of future Macintosh support. Adam announces our first Japanese Take Control title and reviews Konfabulator, a neat Mac OS X program reminiscent of HyperCard. Then Glenn Fleishman chimes in with a pointer to where you can pick up a refurbished Power Mac G5 from the Virginia Tech supercomputer cluster, and in the news, Apple starts shipping iPod minis and updates GarageBand slightly.

Jeff Carlson No comments

GarageBand 1.0.1 Released

GarageBand 1.0.1 Released -- Apple has a nearly inscrutable minor update to its music-creation application GarageBand, saying it "clarifies specific alert dialogs regarding system performance." We can only imagine that Apple rolled a few unspecified bug fixes into the update, which weighs in as a hefty 21.5 MB download

Jeff Carlson No comments

Tips from iChat AV 2: Visual QuickStart Guide

Several weeks went by last December before I told anyone, especially my fellow authors, about the latest book contract I'd signed with Peachpit Press. It's not that I was being ultra-competitive or feared that someone else would steal my idea and get to it before I did

Adam Engst No comments

Consider Me Konfabulated

Some programs defy categorization. Bill Atkinson described HyperCard as a "software erector set," which was actually quite accurate, even if Apple's marketing department kept trying to sell it as a presentation program, a personal information manager, and a combination floor wax/dessert topping. If I were handing out Software Erector Set awards today, Konfabulator would top my list

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/16-Feb-04

Apple Releases Safari 1.2 -- When a Web page doesn't load correctly in Safari, is it the fault of the browser or the page's HTML coders? The ongoing discussion of the latest version of Apple's Web browser turns to how browsers are forced to deal with sloppy page design