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Adam Engst No comments


This issue is on the small side and I would like to point the finger of blame directly at the folks at Delta Tao Software. They asked if I would like to take a look at their games, Spaceward Ho! and Strategic Conquest, and of course I agreed, not being stupid

Adam Engst No comments


I suppose it's official by now. Apple has released the new Quadras and the PowerBooks at COMDEX. Quite frankly, I'm not there and I haven't seen them yet, so I can't say anything new about them other than a rumor I heard that they have a different startup chord

Adam Engst No comments

HP Deals & Info

HP just doesn't give up. The DeskWriter was a pretty cool printer when it first appeared, but HP added AppleTalk support, increased the amount of ink in a cartridge (but made it impossible to refill them in the process) and later came out with the DeskWriter C, dropping the prices all the time

Adam Engst No comments

Transparent DiskDoubler

I tell you, our timing is just wonderful! ;-). As I'm sure most of you know, we just released an overdue comparison of two of the coolest utilities on the market today, SuperDisk and DiskDoubler (and a comparison of two more great ones will be coming soon - Super Boomerang vs