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Search results for “CrashPlan”

Joe Kissell No comments

MozyHome for Mac Online Backup Service Reaches Version 1.0

MozyHome, an online backup service for Macs, has finally reached version 1.0 after more than a year of beta testing. The service offers unlimited online storage for only $4.95 per month.

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News: Make Easy and Safe Backups in Leopard

If you want help with Time Machine, or with a simple backup strategy in Leopard that goes beyond what Time Machine offers, the preview release of our new "Take Control of Easy Backups in Leopard" distills just what you need to know.

TidBITS Staff No comments

16 Superlative Macworld Expo SF 2008 Products

Every year at Macworld Expo, the TidBITS staff keeps an eye out for the most interesting products, booths, and events - the things that we'd have told you to go check out if you'd been there. Read on for a picture-laden tour of our favorites!

Adam Engst 3 comments

Retrospect Backup Software Acquired by Sonic Solutions

The venerable backup program Retrospect has been acquired from EMC by Sonic Solutions, the parent company of Roxio. Will the move help it regain its former dominant position in the Macintosh backup market?

Adam Engst No comments

EMC Ships Modernized Retrospect 8

EMC has finally released Retrospect 8, the long-awaited update to what used to be the king of Macintosh backup programs. The feature set of the new version looks good, but there are a few holes, most notably support for running the server on PowerPC-based Macs.

David Blatner No comments

What I Learned from Having My Laptop Stolen

After his MacBook Pro was snatched, David Blatner discovered the hard way that losing hardware was the least of his concerns. Lesson learned, he details what he's doing now to prevent data loss and potential identity theft on his current laptop.

Doug McLean No comments

Free CrashPlan+ For Macworld Attendees

Macworld Expo attendees can now get a free copy of CrashPlan+ (normally $59.99) by stopping at Code 42 Software's booth, #1278. The commercial version of the popular backup software boasts extra features such as stronger 448-bit encryption, Web-restore capabilities, priority support, and an ad-free interface. Again, this is for Macworld Expo attendees only, but if you are at the show be sure to take advantage of this great offer!

Glenn Fleishman Adam Engst 9 comments

CrashPlan Central Slashes Hosted Backup Pricing

CrashPlan has revised its pricing for online backups to offer unlimited storage for an unlimited number of family computers for $100 per year, far below its competitors.

Joe Kissell No comments

CrashPlan: Backups Revisited

In the course of writing two editions of "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups" and several magazine articles on the same subject, I've tried a lot of Mac backup applications

Joe Kissell No comments

Online Backup Options Expand

A number of years ago, when the commercial Internet was still young and hard drive capacities were usually measured in megabytes rather than gigabytes or terabytes, I subscribed to an online backup service

Joe Kissell No comments

Take Control Updates A-Plenty

In case you were thinking I'm spending my days here in Paris doing nothing but drinking absinthe and eating baguettes, rest assured that I've also been working hard on a large number of Take Control projects.

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News: The Latest Ways of Protecting Your Data

Our best-selling Take Control ebook - Joe Kissell's "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups" - has just received a free update, bringing it current with the latest on Internet backup services, NDAS and Blu-ray devices, and CrashPlan. Remember, data loss is a question of "when," not "if."

Joe Kissell No comments

Time Machine: The Good, the Bad, and the Missing Features

Leopard's new backup feature finally brings easy backups to the masses. But is it really all that? And when is that backups book of Joe's going to be updated, anyway?

TidBITS Staff No comments

Leopard Compatibility List Updated

Curious about what programs have been updated for Leopard? Look inside for a list of the important or interesting programs that specifically claim Leopard compatibility.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

TidBITS Outage Causes Editors Outrage

An inexplicable error took us offline for a few hours Tuesday. We're back, mystified, and working to figure out what happened. How can a previously reliable system and two backups all fail?