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Search results for “Tristan”

Adam Engst No comments

Technology on Vacation

We're finally caught up from our vacation on Kauai, Hawaii, and as much as I wish I could say that it was a truly relaxing and wonderful time, in reality I was utterly sick for all but the last few days, which put a major crimp in affairs

Adam Engst No comments

Converting from Now Up-to-Date to iCal and BusySync

After many years of relying on Now Up-to-Date, Adam and Tonya make the jump to using iCal, bolstered by the syncing capabilities of BusySync. The process is not a simple one, though, and although the new capabilities are welcome, iCal presents some annoyances as well.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Labels & Addresses Restores Holiday Card Sanity

You'd think Apple's Address Book application would be the easy choice for making mailing labels, but after fighting the program's bugs and shortcomings, Jeff Carlson turns to BeLight Software's Labels & Addresses to get his holiday cards in the mail.

TidBITS Staff No comments

TidBITS Events at Macworld SF 2009

Come find us at Macworld Expo in San Francisco with this handy list of our appearances!

Adam Engst No comments

A Request for Tristan’s 10th Birthday

Adam and Tonya's son Tristan is now 10 years old, and to continue the tradition begun when he was born, Adam is hoping that you'll send Tristan email describing the world as you see it.

Adam Engst No comments

Macworld Expo Moves to Mid-February

As the process of reshaping Macworld Expo after Apple's pullout continues, IDG World Expo has announced that the 2010 show will move from its traditional early January dates to February 9th through 13th.

Adam Engst No comments

Beware the GPS Thieves

As Adam and Tonya discovered first-hand on a recent trip to New York City, the latest trend in car-related theft revolves around the increasingly popular GPS devices from the likes of Garmin, Magellan, and TomTom. Don't let it happen to you.

Adam Engst No comments

New Ebook Offers Complete iPhoto Documentation

For complete documentation of iPhoto '09, you can now turn to Adam's latest book: "iPhoto '09: Visual QuickStart Guide," available in both ebook and print forms. It has full coverage of all of iPhoto's features, both the new (Faces, Places, slideshows, Web publishing) and the old (importing, editing, printing).

Adam Engst 26 comments

Twenty Years of Memories from Friends of TidBITS

With TidBITS turning 20, we asked many friends and colleagues about their history with our little newsletter. The number and quality of replies has been overwhelming, and we're thrilled to share them.

Adam Engst 21 comments

How to Share Purchased iBooks

Concerned about buying books from the iBookstore because other members of your household won't be able to read them without using your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch? Never fear, because there are multiple ways that members of a family can all share the same purchased books - from different iTunes accounts - on multiple iOS devices.

Adam Engst 94 comments

Have We Entered a Post-Literate Technological Age?

After watching a Google video in which people in Times Square prove almost entirely incapable of answering the question, "What is a browser?", Adam muses about where this lack of technological literacy came from and what it means for the future.

Adam Engst 8 comments

WikiReader Puts Wikipedia in Your Pocket

Sure, it won't replace an iPhone or other PDA, but if all you want is a portable encyclopedia, the new WikiReader is cheap, cute, and chock full of Wikipedia.

Adam Engst


We’re back from Macworld Expo 2004 San Francisco, with news of software and a bit of hardware. Adam relays his overall impressions of the show, and examines how Apple’s musical forays are a Trojan Horse…

Adam Engst


Macworld may be over, but Jeff Carlson still has photography news to share from the show, and Glenn Fleishman offers our take on the saga surrounding Steve Jobs’s medical leave from Apple. Rich Mogull looks…