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Series: April Fools

Geoff Duncan No comments

Apple Ups the AMTE

For the last few years, the Macintosh community has watched helplessly as the Mac has fallen painfully behind in a field it helped pioneer on personal computers: speech recognition

Jeff Carlson No comments

Taking a Step Back from Technology

Technology can be addictive. Many of us use devices like computers, cellular phones, and handheld organizers on a daily basis; many of us require them to make our livings

TidBITS Staff No comments

Rolling Blackouts Crash Mac OS X

After extensive testing coordinated with TidBITS Talk participants in California and confirmed today, we've discovered the rolling blackouts currently plaguing San Francisco-area residents can cause Apple's just-released Mac OS X to kernel panic under specific circumstances

Adam Engst No comments

April Fools Day Apologies

April Fools Day Apologies -- My apologies to everyone we suckered with the fake update posted on Sunday to our Web site about how rolling blackouts in California and the associated cut-overs from the power grid to generators at Apple's data centers were causing Mac OS X to kernel panic if it accessed a mounted iDisk in a specific fashion

Adam Engst No comments

Apple Reschedules WWDC Yet Again

Apple Reschedules WWDC Yet Again -- In a move that will no doubt cause even more consternation, Apple today announced that it has again rescheduled the upcoming Worldwide Developer Conference, this time to coincide with the new Create conference that replaced Macworld Expo from 14-Jul-03 through 18-Jul-03

Glenn Fleishman No comments

New Handeze Gloves for Aluminum PowerBook G4s

New Handeze Gloves for Aluminum PowerBook G4s -- I've long recommended Handeze gloves for reducing repetitive stress injuries in the hands and wrists (see "Handeze Gloves" in TidBITS-199)

Jeff Carlson No comments

iPodPowerMate Unveiled

iPodPowerMate Unveiled -- Extending its successful line of well-designed computing accessories, Griffin Technologies today announced the iPodPowerMate, a hardware multimedia controller specially created for the iPod (see "Unleashing the Power of the PowerMate" in TidBITS-653)

Jeff Carlson No comments

"Chili Pepper" iChat Plug-in Released

"Chili Pepper" iChat Plug-in Released -- Shareware developer Susan Valencia has released a plug-in for iChat that emulates Eudora's popular MoodWatch feature to iChat users who have Eudora installed (whether or not it's the default email client)

Adam Engst No comments

Canon PowerShot Keynote S250

Canon PowerShot Keynote S250 -- Be careful what you suggest! After I wrote about how I transferred Keynote slides to my Canon PowerShot S100 camera for display on a standard television in "The PowerShot Presentation" in TidBITS-669, I was amused to learn that Canon plans to release a new member of the diminutive PowerShot camera family that boasts direct integration with a forthcoming release of Apple's Keynote presentation program

Geoff Duncan No comments

TidBITS Publisher Awarded Fellowship

TidBITS Publisher Awarded Fellowship -- Cornell University today awarded TidBITS Publisher Adam C. Engst a fellowship in the university's interdisciplinary Information Science program

Jeff Carlson No comments

Segway for Kids Introduced

Segway for Kids Introduced -- Although introduced with much fanfare, the Segway Human Transporter (HT) has enjoyed only minimal success in the marketplace

Adam Engst No comments

Filters for the Xserve

If you've ever been in a serious data center like the one where our servers reside at digital.forest, you know that all data centers share two features: They're loud

Tonya Engst No comments

Microsoft Word 5.1 for Mac OS X

I haven't written much for TidBITS lately, in part because I've been busy helping some old friends at Microsoft's Macintosh Business Unit (MacBU) with an upcoming release of Microsoft Word 5.1 for OS X, a carbonized version of Word 5.1a that preserves most of the features and all the look and feel of the highly popular Word 5.1

Jeff Carlson No comments

Catching Up with the Voice of Macintosh: Fred

Some voices are so unique that you can identify them immediately: Sean Connery, James Earl Jones, and Bruno Kirby spring to mind. Then there are voices that are equally unique, but not as well known in popular circles

Geoff Duncan No comments

<Bleep>ing GarageBand!

ing GarageBand! Apple Computer today announced the availability of Bleeper, a free innovative Audio Units plug-in for use with Apple's entry-level digital music program, GarageBand