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Series: Conquer Your Text

TidBITS examines information storage and retrieval utilities

Adam Engst No comments

A Shiny New NoteBook

A few weeks back, Circus Ponies released version 2.0 of their elegant note-taking and snippet-keeping application NoteBook, significantly improving the program in key areas

Matt Neuburg No comments

DEVONthink Goes Pro

DEVONthink is a snippet keeper, where a snippet can be anything from a few words of text to a Web page, a Word document, a PDF, or any of several other formats

Matt Neuburg No comments

Let Yojimbo Guard Your Information Castle

The latest entry in the ever-growing roster of information organizers comes from Bare Bones Software, maker of such programs as Mailsmith and BBEdit (and its freeware little brother, TextWrangler)

Matt Neuburg No comments

SlipBox: Scents and Sensibility

Back when I was writing my doctoral dissertation (and we lived in holes in the ground and had to clean the roads with our tongues on the way to school), I had a big box full of large index cards, on each of which were the notes from one book or article I'd read

Matt Neuburg No comments

MindManager Comes to the Mac

A mind map is a diagram of connected ideas. In the past, I've written about various mind-mappers, including the minimalist Pyramid ("Pyramid Therapy," 2004-09-13) and the full-featured NovaMind ("Draw What's On Your Mind With NovaMind," 2006-04-17)

Matt Neuburg 9 comments

EagleFiler Turns a Finder Folder Into a Snippet Keeper

Got miscellaneous data to search for? You've organized your files into folders and you still can't find the right one? Let EagleFiler add searching, tagging, and annotation. Problem solved.