Audio Hijack 3.7.4 and Piezo 1.6.7
Rogue Amoeba released Audio Hijack 3.7.3 and Piezo 1.6.6, updating the Audio Capture Engine (ACE) to version 11.2 for both apps with many backend enhancements and full support for Mac Catalyst apps (see “How Catalyst and SwiftUI will Change App Development,” 13 June 2019). The audio recording utilities also add support for the Jamulus and Jami apps as VoIP sources, add support for capturing audio from Chrome Web apps (also known as progressive Web apps), and now require macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later.
Shortly after this release, Rogue Amoeba issued Audio Hijack 3.7.4 and Piezo 1.6.7 to update ACE to version 11.2.1 to fix a regression that could cause captured input audio to be muted improperly. Rogue Amoeba also notes that both apps are not yet compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur, but says additional releases with Big Sur support with be forthcoming in the “very near future.” ($49 new, free update, 20.9 MB, release notes, macOS 10.13+)
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