BBEdit 13.5.1
Bare Bones Software has published BBEdit 13.5.1, a maintenance update that follows the recent release of the feature-filled version 13.5 (see “BBEdit 13.5 Offers Mid-Cycle Efficiency Improvements,” 19 October 2020). The long-standing text editor adds a new Compare Using BBEdit item to the Services menu to start a Find Differences operation, corrects sort ordering of the list in the Rescued Documents window, resolves a crash when trying to report “These files are identical” using a sheet in the document’s window, adds an entry to the Markdown cheat sheet for titled image placement, fixes a bug in which untitled document rescue didn’t take place when “Make backup before saving” was turned on, ensures that PDFs are explicitly excluded from consideration as possible text files, and works around a macOS bug in which sandboxed processes were not allowed to send Apple events to BBEdit (breaking automation operations initiated by Automator, MarsEdit, Keyboard Maestro, and probably others). ($49.99 new, free update, 18.7 MB, release notes, macOS 10.14.2+)
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