BusyCal 2024.3.5
A week ago, Busy Apps released BusyCal 2024.3.4 with a new cross-calendar blocking capability that lets an event on one calendar (say, a lunch with a friend) automatically block time on another (so colleagues don’t schedule a meeting with you) without revealing any details. The update also introduces an option to create new events between two existing events and another to adjust an event’s start time to the previous event’s end time, provides Spotlight integration, and fixes a bug where notes with certain HTML links would prevent text from displaying.
Just days later, Busy Apps released version 2024.3.5, allowing users to bulk-assign categories to events in Microsoft Office 365 using the contextual menu and enhancing the natural language input in Month view to recognize calendar names like Quick Entry. It also fixes a bug where blocking events caused the location to be copied when not requested, resolves an issue that prevented full details from being copied when dragging an event from a read-only calendar, and addresses a crash on launch on older Macs. ($49.99 new from BusyMac or the Mac App Store, free update, in Setapp, 65 MB, release notes, macOS 10.15+)
I really like the new duplicate event on another calendar feature, but it was making my calendar really messy (same event shown side-by-side in various colors). I reached out to support about it and solution was super easy: choose View > Combine Identical Events. Yay! (Unfortunately, this doesn’t work on the iOS app yet… but hopefully they’ll get that working soon.)