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Delicious Library 3.9

Delicious Monster has released Delicious Library 3.9, a required update for the media cataloging app that updates how the media cataloging app looks up items on Amazon. It’s necessary because Amazon replaced its current “Product Advertising” interface with a new version that doesn’t support all the functionality that Delicious Library relies on, including editorial reviews, similar items, customer ratings, track lists, and more. These features may return in the new version of Amazon’s Product Advertising, but there is no guarantee. Versions of Delicious Library prior to version 3.9 will stop being able to download data from Amazon on 9 March 2020.

The release also adds support for macOS 10.15 Catalina, recognizes Kindle books as books, fixes a drawing bug where the ratings widget on the Details popover pane could look like it was always five stars in 10.14 Mojave and later, and resolves an issue where scrolling down during a Search wouldn’t always trigger an Amazon lookup of the search terms. ($39 new from Delicious Monster and the Mac App Store,
free update, 86.7 MB, release notes, 10.10+)

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Comments About Delicious Library 3.9

Notable Replies

  1. I was curious about this app, but when I try to visit their site, Firefox shows the following:

    Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

    Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.

    What can you do about it?

    The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it.

    If you are on a corporate network or using anti-virus software, you can reach out to the support teams for assistance. You can also notify the website’s administrator about the problem.

  2. I’ve been using Delicious Library for years and have not been able to open it since upgrading to Catalina so jumped at the change to up grade to 3.9 and got to the web site with no problem in Firefox. I downloaded and have installed 3.9 and it will not open either. Checking with the developers…

  3. We’d investigated Delicious Library and purchased it some time ago. We were going to use the mobile app to go down the shelves and get an idea of just what we had. I’m an archaeologist and she’s a planetary geologist so we have A LOT on the shelves.

    We only got a small sample in when we got distracted by moving halfway across the country.

    Hadn’t even thought about it until I saw the TidBITS article so I updated.

    After the ‘install and restart’ my library was empty and there was the old app, several folders and .plist files and other stuff in the trash which I removed and put in a separate folder.

    I’m going to contact tech support now. I am glad I only had several dozen entries in the database. I’ll post again if I find anything out.


    I was able to restore all

    I rummaged around and found a version 3 data file in the trashed files which I was able to restore from from the ‘import’ menu.

    Apologies for the excitability.

  5. FYI:

    Still running low Sierra. I downloaded the new version with Firefox and dropped in Applications. Took it bit longer to open than before on first
    launch. It just worked.

    My data file seems fine with 1,540 items.


  6. I use the Mac App Store version, so updating was uneventful.

    May I also remind everyone that Bookpedia is a viable alternative to Delicious Library?

  7. I’ve used Library Thing for years. I used to have a massive library (about 6,000 books) before I retired. I used Library Thing when I went to my last church but we were out in NE NC where internet flows slower than a slumbering stream so it really limited my ability to get everything online, even using a hand scanner. But it is very worthwhile and it has helped me locate other sources for some of the books.

  8. I see that the copyright notice on the Delicious Library website is dated 2020. Does that mean there haven’t been any updates to the software at all since then? Has anyone heard any news about the software since then?
    Regarding Bookpedia, there’s a post on the website dated September 28th, 2023, announcing a hiatus:

  9. Wil Shipley joined Apple in September 2021 < Call Me Fishmeal.: The Future of Delicious Library>. Delicious Library for me stopped working when Ventura first came out but around the 3rd update it started again. If it was a Delicious Library patch rather than the Ventura update that fixed the problem then it was very, very stealthy indeed.

    Anyway, the problem has returned with Sonoma, so there you go :person_shrugging:t4:

    Dave W.

  10. This thread reminded me of seeing Delicious Monster at MacWorld (with an unfortunate E3-booth spokesmodel vibe) back in the day…

    (found an old post from TidBITS!)

    (an archive of the Tumblr post referenced in the TidBITS story…now “unfortunate” doesn’t seem like the right word to describe the booth’s atmosphere)

    (cringey blurb from

  11. I wanted to get Delicious Library, considering this should I get Bookpedia?

    Thinking about it, I guess I will look into tapforms, because bookpedia has suspended all new sales.

  12. FWIW I’ve just updated my Mac Mini (Intel) to Sonoma 14.1, and Delicious Library is working again

    Dave W

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