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Keyboard Maestro 10.0.1

Peter Lewis of Stairways Software has issued Keyboard Maestro 10.0.1, a maintenance update for the popular automation and clipboard utility following its recent major upgrade (see “Keyboard Maestro 10.0,” 11 November 2021). The release prevents several crashes (if the Cochin Italic font isn’t available and when recording actions), adds the option for a delay to the editor Get mouse location to include a delay to allow window selection, resolves an issue with Command-Option-numbers hiding but not closing the Clipboard History Switcher, and fixes various other bugs. Upgrades from previous versions cost $25, or $18 for version 9 owners upgrading before 15 December 2021. Those who have purchased since 1 March 2021 will receive a free upgrade. ($36 new with a 20% discount for TidBITS members, $25 upgrade, 34.3 MB, release notes, macOS 10.13+)

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