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Mactracker 7.12.15

Ian Page has issued Mactracker 7.12.15 with entries for the recently released MacBook Air models and more details about the latest operating system releases. It also provides details for additional legacy Apple products, including the 410 Color Plotter, DuoDisk, AppleCD SC and AppleCD SC Plus, and iPad Keyboard Dock. The update also adds Metal performance scores for iOS devices and Apple silicon-based Macs, Maximum Battery Cycles for iPhone models, and ROM size for Classic Macintosh and PowerBook models. (Free from the Mactracker website or the Mac App Store, 216.8 MB, release notes, macOS 10.12+)

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Comments About Mactracker 7.12.15

Notable Replies

  1. Nice. I never noticed this app before, but just downloaded it. Thanks.

  2. I have been using this application for ever it seems. It has proven to very useful. I probably open it at least weekly. I mainly use it for research and reference. While there are websites the that contains even more information I still always start with this application. I also recommend it to any Mac user.

  3. I had been using Mactracker for a long time before I noticed the “My Models” panel, which I find very useful for keeping track of the detailed specifications of the devices used by my family.

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