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Mailplane 4.2

Uncomplex has released Mailplane 4.2, improving support for macOS 10.15 Catalina with fixes to permissions and the share extension, plus enhancements to Dark mode. The Gmail-specific email client also adds the capability to manage your bookmarks, adds support for the final version of DEVONthink 3 (see “DEVONthink 3.0.2,” 19 November 2019), reduces CPU usage when Mailplane is idle, adds support for Gmail accounts with two-letter domains, ensures that the last-visited Gmail location is opened on startup, fixes a bug that caused certain images in email messages to be inverted in Dark mode, and ensures that Grammarly login works as it should. ($29.95 new, free update, 68.8 MB, release notes, 10.12+)`

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Comments About Mailplane 4.2

Notable Replies

  1. Also adds support for clipping to DEVONthink 3 (previously only supported DEVONthink 2).

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