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Security Update 2018-003 (Sierra and El Capitan)

Apple has released Security Update 2018-003 for macOS 10.12 Sierra and 10.11 El Capitan, patching security vulnerabilities that the company addressed in 10.13.5 High Sierra (see “macOS 10.13.5 High Sierra Brings Messages in iCloud,” 1 June 2018). The security updates for both Sierra and El Capitan address an information disclosure issue in Bluetooth that could enable a malicious application to determine kernel memory layout, a memory corruption issue with FontParser that could lead to arbitrary code execution, a validation issue with graphics drivers that could allow an application to read restricted memory, and a denial of service issue with the kernel. (Free. For 10.12.6 Sierra, 742 MB; for 10.11.6 El Capitan, 831 MB; security content release notes)

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Comments About Security Update 2018-003 (Sierra and El Capitan)

Notable Replies

  1. Unable to update to it on latest 10.12.6 through the App Store. It shows the update but when I click on the grey update button nothing happens. No downloading or anything. The other weird thing is the update only reveals itself if I first click on another tab such as “featured” then click back again on the updates tab and only then will it show up.

    I was able to download the dmg from the Apple website, but I think I’m going to hold off on it because of the odd behavior from the App Store.

  2. I’d recommend installing from the .dmg—the way you describe the problems sounds very much like an App Store quirk, not anything related to the update.

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