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VMware Fusion 11.5

VMware has released version 11.5 of its VMware Fusion virtualization package in both standard and Pro editions, adding support for macOS 10.15 Catalina, Windows 10 v19H2, and Oracle Linux 8.0. (This release should make VMware Fusion suitable for virtualizing 10.14 Mojave inside Catalina; see “Moving to Catalina: Keep Your 32-Bit Mac Apps Running with Parallels,” 18 September 2019). The release now changes to Dark mode when Dark Mode Synchronization is enabled, adds support for using an iPad as a second display for a virtual machine, brings support for PVSCI devices to enhance compatibility for the virtual machine migration between Fusion and vSphere, and addresses use-after-free and denial-of-service vulnerabilities. ($79.99/$159.99 new, free update, 518 MB, release notes, 10.13+)

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Comments About VMware Fusion 11.5

Notable Replies

  1. This is one amazing update! I have used it to run, High Sierra, Mojave, and now Windows 10 Pro. Setup is simple lightning quick Almost completely transparent install. Support is great and quick. The new edition is so much better than the previous it is like a brand new app.

  2. I upgraded from 11.1 to 11.5 yesterday.

    So far the only difference I can see is that QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2008 – the only reason I use a virtual PC, running Windows 10 – now has a much smaller font than before.

    How does VMWare Fusion affect the font of an application this way? Is there a way to make the font larger?

    Thank you,


  3. I realize now it’s not just QuickBooks but all of Windows 10 that has the smaller font.


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