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Zoom 5.4.1

Zoom updated its eponymous videoconferencing app to version 5.4, enabling meetings to be scheduled with Join Before Host set to allow participants to join 5, 10, or 15 minutes before the start time. The release synced both the main contacts folder and sub-folders from Office 365, added the capability to search through starred messages (or filter a search to only starred messages), improved pre-assigned Breakout Rooms behavior, and updated Proximity share to support specific apps and computer audio. Zoom 5.4 also began the rollout of end-to-end encryption for meetings as part of a 30-day technical preview (for more details, see “Zoom Rolls Out Preview of End-to-End Encryption,” 30 October 2020). Shortly after this release, Zoom 5.4.1 was issued to fix minor unspecified bugs. (Free, 23.9 MB, release notes, macOS 10.9+)

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