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Talking about WWDC with Allison Sheridan on the NosillaCast Podcast

Well, that was fun! Last week, after my keycaps cooled down from covering Apple’s announcements in the Worldwide Developer Conference keynote, I joined Allison Sheridan on her NosillaCast podcast to talk about the presentation. We had a rollicking time while examining some of the more exciting features Apple introduced with more depth and detail than I had room for in “14 Compelling Features Coming to Apple’s Operating Systems in 2024” (10 June 2024). Unsurprisingly, since neither of us can resist a good tangent, we got sidetracked into tweaky topics ranging from hot corners to how AI enables people to instantiate their thoughts. The hour-plus discussion is a segment of a longer podcast, starting at 21:30. You can listen to the entire episode on Allison’s site or jump to my section in the version hosted on YouTube.

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