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Tag: podcast appearance

Adam Engst No comments

Talking about WWDC with Allison Sheridan on the NosillaCast Podcast

Looking for some more insight into Apple’s WWDC keynote announcements? Listen to Adam Engst and Allison Sheridan delve into the more exciting features on her NosillaCast podcast.

Adam Engst No comments

Four TidBITS 30th Anniversary Podcasts

A number of podcasts helped us celebrate the 30th anniversary of TidBITS by inviting publisher Adam Engst on as a guest, and the resulting conversations are well worth listening to if you enjoy reminiscing about the early days of the Macintosh world.

Adam Engst 2 comments

Screwed Shoes, Squirrels, and Apple on the Mac Admins Podcast

A couple of recent episodes of the Mac Admins podcast are worth checking out. First, Adam and Tonya joined the hosts to talk about Internet technical publishing and a wide variety of other topics—you’ll enjoy the stories. Second, the Mac Admins hosts managed a rare coup, getting two Apple employees on the show to talk publicly.

Adam Engst 2 comments

Command Control Power Podcast Gets a Hilarious Jonathan Mann Theme Song

The hosts of the Command Control Power podcast for Apple consultants have commissioned a theme song from songwriter extraordinaire Jonathan Mann—anyone who has ever answered tech support questions will particularly appreciate its sly humor.

Adam Engst No comments

Behind the Scenes of Our Redesign on The Committed Podcast

If you're looking for a podcast episode for your next commute, listen in on The Committed as Adam Engst discusses the recent TidBITS redesign with hosts Kirk McElhearn, Rob Griffiths, and Ian Schray.