Portable Battery Bye-Bye
Owners of the discontinued Macintosh Portable will feel even more left out this fall, when Apple plans to remove the Macintosh Portable Battery from all of its price lists. The separate battery was intended for users who wanted the convenience of having an extra battery on hand for those long computing sessions away from any AC outlets. Of course, most users have found the single battery that came with their Portables to be sufficient for working several-hour stretches so long as they recharged the battery between work sessions.
If you have a Portable, and you’ve thought about investing in a spare battery, now is certainly the time; the 19-Oct-92 price lists will no longer include the item, dealers may be unable to get the batteries, and we have not yet run across a third party supplier of the batteries. We suspect that limited quantities will be made available to dealer service departments, in case a customer’s battery needs to be replaced someday, but you may want to get yourself a spare just in case.