Apple Catalog Nixed
Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers
Never one of Apple’s more popular sales channels, the Apple Catalog has been laid to rest after losing a significant amount of money for the company during slightly more than a year of operation. The Apple Catalog was especially unpopular with dealers, who felt that Apple was competing with them directly.
The Catalog was discontinued on 01-Feb-94, but while stock is still on hand, Apple will continue to take orders in some product categories, including desktop Macs, PowerBooks, and products for disabled people. We hope that Apple will take any items that are in short supply in other channels and redistribute them, rather than wait for such orders.
Orders for out of stock and backordered items, even orders placed before 01-Feb-94, will not be filled; customers whose orders must be cancelled will be notified by mail.
The Apple Catalog was a convenient source of manuals and cables, especially for discontinued Apple products. Apple assures us that dealers may still purchase manuals that are not long gone, and Apple dealers and other resellers (such as the popular mail-order houses) usually have or can obtain cables appropriate to any task.