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and the TidBITS Content Network for Apple professionals Adjusts Shipping Policy Yet Again Adjusts Shipping Policy Yet Again — Less than a month after increasing its shipping charges a second time, has again adjusted its shipping rates to try to win back customers stung by the previous changes (see "I Saw Free Ships…" in TidBITS-567 and "’s Shipping Charges Increase Again" in TidBITS-574). now offers second-day air shipping starting at $3.95, and overnight delivery starting at $5.95, depending on the weight of the items being shipped. This means reasonable shipping costs for lightweight items, but reasonable revenue when the company must ship heavier items. Company founder (and returning President and CEO) Darryl Peck said, "We think we have finally found a plan that works for everyone." Darryl also said that the company will no longer staff its phones from midnight to 8 AM Eastern time, when there were too few calls to warrant the required staff. [MHA]




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