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Apple Names 2002 Design Award Winners

Apple Names 2002 Design Award Winners — Capping off this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple named the winners of its Apple Design Awards, highlighting Mac OS X software in six categories. The Best New Mac OS X Product title went to Toon Boom Studio 1.1, a tool for creating 2D animations. Karelia Software’s Watson 1.5 was honored as Most Innovative Mac OS X Product, though the real testament to its innovation may prove to be Apple’s WWDC demonstration of Sherlock 3, which looks to be a Watson clone (see “Jaguar: Mac OS X Prepares to Pounce” in TidBITS-629). The Omni Group’s OmniGraffle 2.0, a diagramming and charting application, garnered two awards: Best Mac OS X User Experience and Best Mac OS X Technology Adoption. In the category of Best Mac OS X Open Source Port, Richard Koch’s TeXShop 1.19 was honored for its capability to display scientific and technical documents created in TeX format. And in the final category, Dan Schimpf won Best Mac OS X Student Product with MacJournal 2.1, a program for storing and organizing notes, diaries, and other text snippets. We applaud each of the winners (plus the runners-up, which are listed at Apple’s Web site), and also Apple for bringing attention to innovative software, even when it doesn’t come from large companies. [JLC]

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