Extensis Releases Suitcase 10.1.3
Extensis Releases Suitcase 10.1.3 — Less than a week after the formal release of Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar, Extensis has brought its Suitcase font-management software up to par with an updater (see "A Quick Trip With Suitcase 10" in TidBITS-627). Fixed in this release is a Jaguar bug where, once Classic was started up, Suitcase would become sluggish and refuse to quit. The Suitcase 10.1.3 updater is a 2.9 MB download, and is free to users of Suitcase 10.0 or later. [MAN]
<http://www.extensis.com/suitcase/ 18h.html#jaguar>