DragThing 4.5 Gets Tabbed
DragThing 4.5 Gets Tabbed — James Thomson’s DragThing, the favorite Mac OS X launcher of some of us here at TidBITS, has now been upgraded to version 4.5. Aside from fixing some bugs introduced by Jaguar, this version sports a major new feature: a dock can now live off-screen, with just its tabs visible. When you click or drag into a tab, or use a hot key combination, the full dock slides into view (rather like Mac OS 9’s tabbed windows or Sig Software’s Drop Drawers X utility; see "Top Mac OS X Utilities: Alternative Controls" in TidBITS-628 for more details on both DragThing and Drop Drawers X). There are also many other small improvements, too numerous to mention here. This upgrade is free for registered owners of DragThing 4, $25 for new users (with a $20 cross-grade offer for owners of other launchers). [MAN]