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Strip My Work and Heat My Menus

Strip My Work and Heat My Menus — Softchaos has released version 3.2 of WorkStrip, the Dock-like launcher prized for such features as multiple workspaces, document previews, and ingeniously arranged hierarchical menus that navigate folders and associate recently opened documents with their applications. Most notable in this revision are "hot menus," keyboard shortcuts that display a menu wherever the mouse happens to be; among these are a menu of running applications and their windows, a menu of running applications and their recent documents, and a menu of the contents of the folder(s) currently selected in the Finder. Some behaviors are also made faster. Version 3.2 is a free update for WorkStrip 3 users; WorkStrip is $40 (or thereabouts, depending on the pound-dollar exchange rate), with a 30-day trial available as a 2 MB download. [MAN]



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