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Allume Carries the Graphics Torch

Allume Carries the Graphics Torch — One of my favorite graphics suites, CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT (see "CorelDRAW 8: A Hedy Experience" in TidBITS-457), after years of undeservedly lukewarm public reception, and having been recently updated to version 11, finally had its Mac development cut off in January. I thought this was the end of the road – but not quite! Creative Essentials, a new package of graphics software assembled by Allume (formerly Aladdin), is a great opportunity for folks to obtain the Corel software at the jaw-droppingly low price of $150 (and through 11-Oct-04, Allume will donate $1 from each sale of an Allume product to charity). Just bear in mind that bugs won’t be fixed. Oh, and do use the fastest computer you can find, since the program can be a little sluggish.



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As if that weren’t enough, Creative Essentials includes the 3-D landscape painter Bryce 5 and entitles you to upgrade pricing on the next version. (Corel also killed off Bryce, having acquired it from MetaCreations; now Bryce has been picked up by DAZ Productions, who are actively developing it.) Creative Essentials also includes Toon Boom Studio Express, an animation tool, along with upgrade pricing for the full Toon Boom Studio, and 25 Bitstream fonts. [MAN]


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