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FontExplorer X – What Was I Thinking?

Recently I’ve been using Linotype’s FontExplorer X, and now I’m wondering what on earth I was thinking, to have waited so long. It’s terrific. All I’m using it for, basically, is to keep the fonts I don’t use deactivated, so that applications start up quickly and font menus are kept short. I used to use Apple’s Font Book for this, but FontExplorer is way better. The interface is an order of magnitude beyond what Font Book is capable of; it’s ingenious but simple, and shows you incredible amounts of information easily in a single window. And, unlike Font Book, when you ask Font Explorer to disable a font, it stays disabled when you restart the computer.

This might merit a TidBITS article eventually, but I just wanted to take this opportunity now to rave a little in public.

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