Where Have I Been?
I’m sure the question “Why hasn’t Matt Neuburg been publishing many TidBITS articles lately?” is right up there in most people’s minds along with other burning questions of the day. Or maybe not. But I’m going to tell you the answer anyway: it’s because I’ve been very heavily occupied with FaceSpan 5, which is currently under heavy development by Late Night Software.
FaceSpan 5 is an application development environment – it’s an application that you use to write applications, with the distinction that the programming language you use is AppleScript. It has a long history (it’s been around as long as AppleScript itself), and this new version promises to be the best ever. This version is still in an early phase, and only a few hand-picked “alpha testers” have seen it; but it’s far enough along that I’ve been able to use it to create a complete application. My role is as chief documentation author, bug-finder, suggestion-maker, and provider of various other forms of support. It’s very exciting, but please, don’t ask me when FaceSpan 5 will be
finished, as no one knows the answer to that question.