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Spotify Removes 10,000 Track Limit

Several years ago, library size limitations in Spotify drove me to Apple Music (“The 10,000 Track Limit: Why I Switched from Spotify to Apple Music,” 30 August 2017). The seemingly arbitrary limitation—it wasn’t possible to add more than 10,000 tracks to a library—prevented me from collecting new music that I enjoyed. I don’t particularly like Apple Music, which makes discovering new music harder than Spotify did (and much harder than the late lamented Rdio—see “Retuning Rdio: Why I Dropped Apple Music,” 7 October 2015). But Apple Music’s library limit is 100,000 tracks, and it works well with my HomePods. One obstacle to a return to Spotify just fell—Spotify now allows libraries to contain an unlimited number of tracks. In iOS 14, if Apple opens up the HomePod to allow third-party music apps like Spotify to stream music directly, I might have to give Spotify another look.

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