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No Email Issue on 30 May 2022 for Memorial Day

We’re taking next Monday’s email issue off to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday in the United States, and for travel and family commitments. Tonya and I are embarking on our first significant trip of the pandemic—a visit to our son Tristan at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. We have a full course of four COVID-19 vaccination shots and will wear N95 masks in public indoor situations, so we hope that and the relatively low infection rate in British Columbia will be sufficient to protect us from the Omicron variants causing infection spikes in the northeast US.

We’ll continue to publish new articles throughout the next two weeks, and TidBITS will return to your inbox on 6 June 2022—the day of Apple’s WWDC keynote (see “WWDC 2022 Stays Virtual Starting June 6,” 5 April 2022). Everyone is welcome to come to kibitz during the remote keynote in our SlackBITS #events channel.

In the meantime, TidBITS members can receive articles in email as soon as they’re published or read the full text of articles via RSS. Everyone else can follow along on our Web site, via Apple News, in the TidBITS News iOS app, in Google News, in the RSS app of your choosing, or even on Flipboard. We still provide headline notifications via Twitter and Facebook for existing followers, but I encourage everyone to avoid social media like the brain-sucking plague it is.

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Comments About No Email Issue on 30 May 2022 for Memorial Day

Notable Replies

  1. hope you have a good time out here in the Burnaby-Vancouver area. Weather has been iffy for the last month. Yesterday was beautiful. today (Memorial Monday) not so much. but no snow predicted, or violent wind storms.

  2. Thanks! We lived in Seattle for 10 years and have visited Vancouver a few times back in the 1990s, so we know the drill for late-spring weather in that part of the world. We’re packing for cool and wet, but we’re really hoping the weather breaks a bit once we’re there since we don’t want to retreat indoors to the extent that we would in normal times. For our main tourist activity, Tristan and I are going to check out the via ferrata at Squamish. Tonya’s planning a good hike while we climb.

  3. Enjoy the trip! Recently I went on a trip as well after a long while, and it was refreshing indeed.

  4. Enjoy, our niece and her partner have a job offer in BC, a long way from Dublin… but they are definitely curious.

    We have travelled quite a bit in the past year, trips to London, Paris, Croatia, Italy, a college tour from Washington to Massachusetts and my wife is in Cannes at the moment. Like springs locked in a box, out we popped… N95s all the way and boosted, but still keeping distance and minding exposure times. That said we have noticed an ever smaller amount of people wearing them now both here and in Europe.

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