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Mimeo Acquires Competing Motif Photos App

In a press release, Mimeo writes:

“We are thrilled to welcome Motif into our Mimeo family. Since launching in 2018, both Motif and Mimeo Photos have produced the same high quality photo products previously offered via Apple’s Mac photo application. The acquisition of Motif solidifies Mimeo as the leading global provider of photobooks for Mac users” says Mimeo CEO John Delbridge.

I haven’t revisited the world of Photos project extensions recently, but Mimeo and Motif have been the main two players for years (see “Jason Snell Compares Mimeo and Motif Photos Project Extensions,” 29 November 2018). I’m not wild about the acquisition because competition can at least theoretically encourage both parties to improve, but in the sleepy world of Photos project extensions (we haven’t received a Photos-produced holiday card in years), I suspect it’s all about the backend printing infrastructure. Mimeo Senior Marketing Manager Brittany Luiz essentially confirmed this for me, saying in email:

Our plan right now is to continue keeping both apps going, with all production and fulfillment handled by Mimeo.

Nevertheless, I can’t see Motif’s apps sticking around indefinitely.

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Comments About Mimeo Acquires Competing Motif Photos App

Notable Replies

  1. I have been using Mimeo to produce photo books as its books best matched the former Apple photo books. I did canvas various printers after Apple closed down but Mimeo was about best on format, paper quantity and price. Printing and shipping overseas is fast.

    There are some clunky things with Mimeo’s web and app book generators and Mimeo seems deaf to suggestions of improvements, but then so is Apple.

    These books are expensive but then they are mostly a one-product. Currently I am looking at an Australian based printer which seems to match Mimeo at a more affordable price.

  2. I’ve been using Motif for years, mostly to produce an annual family calendar. The software works really well and the printed product is of excellent quality. I’m in the UK with some deliveries to France as well. Printing is done in the Czech Republic and turnaround is surprisingly quick. I just hope the Mimeo takeover doesn’t spoil any of this. I might try a small project just to see. If I do, I’ll report back.

  3. Apple never produced their own photo products. They were outsourced to a print company. I don’t recall the printer’s name but my nephew was a VP there at the time. Motif continued with the same printer, and mimeo’s press release indicates that they are using the same printer. So I am hopeful that print quality will not suffer. The mimeo press release also indicates the Motif software will continue to work.
    Fingers crossed.

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