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Donald C O'Shea

Donald C O'Shea

Donald O’Shea is Emeritus Professor of Physics at Georgia Tech. He served as Editor of Optical Engineering from 1998 to 1999 and 2001 to 2009. He is the author of several textbooks in optics and optical design. His most recent is Designing Optics Using CODE V™ written with Julie L. Bentley (SPIE Press, 2018). Subscriber to TidBITS from when it was distributed in HyperCard format, before the advent of the World Wide Web.

Donald C O'Shea 11 comments

Places, Please! Geolocation in Apple’s Photos

You are on a tour bus in an unfamiliar city and you see something that you’d like to visit later. Take a picture of it with your iPhone, and the Places feature in the Photos app can locate it for you. With a new feature in Photos in iOS 13, you can even get directions to get back there!