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Category: Mac & macOS

Jeff Carlson No comments

MacBook Pro Software Update 1.0 Released

Apple has released MacBook Pro Software Update 1.0, which fixes a number of unspecified problems with 2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro models. According to a post at MacFixIt, the update appears to patch several issues with the Nvidia graphics cards and may solve an issue with "shimmering" display issues

Jeff Carlson No comments

Mac OS X 10.4.10 Released

Boldly marching into double-digit version number territory, Apple has released Mac OS X 10.4.10, a maintenance update that adds more RAW image support, fixes issues with Bluetooth and USB, and addresses a few other issues

Adam Engst No comments

Macworld’s State of the Mac Reliability Survey

Macworld has done a huge survey of over 5,000 Macintosh users to see what they liked - and didn't like - about their Macs. The survey's findings on satisfaction and reliability, repair incidents, and quality of customer service are fascinating, and be sure to read Dan Miller's thoughts about what it all means as well

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/11-Jun-07

Solve Mac Problems with Our Latest Ebook -- It's always frustrating when your Mac fails to start up, kernel panics repeatedly, or starts acting strangely for no apparent reason

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/11-Jun-07

Spatial references applied to time -- It's commonplace in everyday conversation to refer to time as if it existed spatially, but have you ever thought about what you're actually saying? (27 messages) Portable scanner recommendations? What products are available (and recommended) for easily scanning journal articles at the library? (6 messages) New iPhone Commercials -- The television ads that first appeared last week feed our technology desires

TidBITS Staff No comments

Leopard Roars at WWDC 2007 Keynote

At today's Worldwide Developer Conference keynote, Apple CEO Steve Jobs demoed the first feature-complete developer beta release of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, showing off slick new features, including what appears to be the most significant overhaul of the Finder in some time

Jeff Carlson No comments

Security Update 2007-005 Released

Apple has released its fifth Mac OS X security update of 2007 to patch a number of potential vulnerabilities. Security Update 2007-005 makes changes to CoreGraphics, iChat, VPN, BIND, crontabs, PPP, and other components, in most cases correcting problems that require either local user access or access to the Mac via a local network

Jeff Carlson No comments

A Personal Shopper for HD Video Editing Gear

When friends and family need to buy a new computer or accessories, they often turn to me for advice. I've learned over the years that they're usually not looking for one of my "history of computing" answers that explains not only how much RAM the computer should have, but how RAM works and why more is better - they just want to know how much to get, and where to get it inexpensively

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

Call Me ‘Two Finger’ Mark

I've been using a Mac for 20 years, and a mouse for even longer. Clicking is second nature to me. For the last 13 years, I've been using trackpads, on laptops and even as external devices

Adam Engst No comments

MacBook Receives Performance Bump

Almost exactly a year after its initial release (see "MacBook Fills Out Laptop Line," 2006-05-22) and six months after the last processor jump ("MacBook Gains Core 2 Duo Processor," 2006-11-13), Apple has updated the MacBook line of laptops with faster Intel Core 2 Duo processors that add roughly .16 GHz to each model, a standard 1 GB of RAM across the line, and larger hard disks

Adam Engst No comments

Danes Publicize iBook G4 Defect

The Consumer Complaints Board of the National Consumer Agency in Denmark is claiming to have found evidence of a manufacturing flaw in Apple's iBook G4 - defective solder joints that fail after a year or more of use

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/23-Apr-07

.Mac Ebook Update Covers Latest in .Mac Webmail Access -- We just released version 1.2 of our comprehensive guide to Apple's .Mac service, "Take Control of .Mac." Written by Joe Kissell, the 204-page ebook provides everything .Mac users need to know to get the most of their $100-per-year subscriptions

Jeff Carlson No comments

Apple Introduces Eight-Core Mac Pros

For those who have been waiting for new Mac desktops to land, Apple has one message: eight is great. Last week the company added an 8-core Intel Xeon processor configuration to the Mac Pro

Adam Engst No comments

Keyboard Accessibility for Mac OS X

Keyboard Accessibility for Mac OS X -- In his TidBITS series on accessibility for disabled Macintosh users, Joe Clark bemoaned the state of adaptive technology in Mac OS X

Matt Neuburg No comments

Two Bytes of the Cherry: Unicode and Mac OS X, Part 1

If you're using Mac OS X, a massive revolution is proceeding unnoticed on your computer. No, I don't mean Unix, preemptive multitasking, or any other familiar buzzwords