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Category: Mac & macOS

Adam Engst No comments

Danes Publicize iBook G4 Defect

The Consumer Complaints Board of the National Consumer Agency in Denmark is claiming to have found evidence of a manufacturing flaw in Apple's iBook G4 - defective solder joints that fail after a year or more of use

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/23-Apr-07

.Mac Ebook Update Covers Latest in .Mac Webmail Access -- We just released version 1.2 of our comprehensive guide to Apple's .Mac service, "Take Control of .Mac." Written by Joe Kissell, the 204-page ebook provides everything .Mac users need to know to get the most of their $100-per-year subscriptions

Jeff Carlson No comments

Apple Introduces Eight-Core Mac Pros

For those who have been waiting for new Mac desktops to land, Apple has one message: eight is great. Last week the company added an 8-core Intel Xeon processor configuration to the Mac Pro

Adam Engst No comments

Keyboard Accessibility for Mac OS X

Keyboard Accessibility for Mac OS X -- In his TidBITS series on accessibility for disabled Macintosh users, Joe Clark bemoaned the state of adaptive technology in Mac OS X

Matt Neuburg No comments

Two Bytes of the Cherry: Unicode and Mac OS X, Part 1

If you're using Mac OS X, a massive revolution is proceeding unnoticed on your computer. No, I don't mean Unix, preemptive multitasking, or any other familiar buzzwords

Adam Engst No comments

More on Multiple Monitors

I was almost overwhelmed with the responses to my "Double the Fun with Multiple Monitors" article in TidBITS-421. It seems that many people use multiple monitors, and those people who have several screens are as addicted to them as I am.

Adam Engst No comments

PowerBook 165 & 145B Plus Pack

We forgot to mention the release of the PowerBook 165 a few weeks ago. It's not surprising, since it's simply a PowerBook 160 with a 33 MHz 68030 processor instead of a 25 MHz processor

Adam Engst No comments

SE Monitor & Accelerator

Mobius Technologies has another option for SE owners who are running low on screen real estate and speed at the same time. The 15" full-page monitor is only 1-bit monochrome, but has a 78-Hz refresh rate and includes a 16 MHz 68000 accelerator card to double the speed of the SE