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Category: Security

Adam Engst No comments

April Fools Virus Hits JavaOne Conference

Another one of our April Fools articles comes true, as 70 people at a conference in Moscone Center fall victim to a norovirus.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Time Machine Exposed!

At last, a utility that lets you ask the question: Exactly what was copied during that last Time Machine backup? Right now, it's a command-line tool and its feature set is still in flux, but don't let that stop you.

Joe Kissell No comments

MozyHome for Mac Online Backup Service Reaches Version 1.0

MozyHome, an online backup service for Macs, has finally reached version 1.0 after more than a year of beta testing. The service offers unlimited online storage for only $4.95 per month.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Prune Your Time Machine Backups Selectively

A simple free tool lets you isolate large files that you've inadvertently and unnecessarily permitted to occupy space in your Time Machine backups folder.

Rich Mogull No comments

QuickTime Security Enhanced with Anti-Exploitation Technologies

QuickTime 7.4.5 offers more than just specific security fixes - in it, Apple started activating anti-exploitation technologies to protect users even when there are software vulnerabilities. But when will we see these technologies fully implemented in QuickTime, or even Leopard itself?

Jeff Carlson No comments

Safari 3.1.1 Addresses Security Issues

The WebKit vulnerability that brought down a MacBook Air at last month's CanSecWest security conference has been patched in Safari 3.1.1, an update that also delivers a few other security enhancements.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Configure Mail to Prevent iCal Spam

The "Hello Dear" event in Jeff Carlson's iCal calendar wasn't a sweet message from his wife - it was spam automatically added thanks to a setting in Mail that automatically (and invisibly) creates iCal events from .ics file attachments.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Time Machine via AirPort Disk Is Unsupported, Apple Says

Using Time Machine with drives attached via USB to an 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station is an unsupported option, Apple has confirmed.

Tonya Engst No comments

MacVoices Podcast Covers Time Capsule Ins and Outs

Listen in as Glenn and Joe chat about Time Capsule: how it works, what's going on behind the scenes, what type of user it's meant for, and more.

Rich Mogull No comments

Mac Users Affected by New Virus

A new virus has struck, specifically affecting Mac users. Researchers suspect the cause may be retaliation brought on by the general smugness Mac users exhibit when confronted with viral threats.

Joe Kissell No comments

Time Machine Support Added to iPhone and iPod Touch

An undocumented change discovered in the beta iPhone 2.0 firmware may indicate that Apple plans to turn the iPhone and iPod touch into portable backup destinations for Time Machine. Could this presage versions of these devices with dramatically more storage?

Rich Mogull No comments

Apple Becomes First Victim in Hacking Contest

Mac OS X was just compromised more quickly than Windows Vista in a hacking contest. Should we worried? Rich Mogull explains why this is concerning, but there's no reason to panic.

Adam Engst No comments

Carbon Copy Cloner 3.1 Released

Bombich Software has updated Carbon Copy Cloner, adding a few welcome features and fixing some bugs in the popular disk cloning, synchronization, and backup software.

Rich Mogull No comments

Should Mac Users Run Antivirus Software?

Antivirus software may not be the answer for most Mac users, but some of you will need it, and all of you should follow these security precautions to reduce your chance of becoming infected by malicious software.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Time Capsule Ships with Support for USB Drive Backups

Apple's network backup appliance Time Capsule ships, combining a Wi-Fi base station with a fast internal hard drive - and the ability to use Time Machine with USB-attached drives. It's a network-attached storage device, too.