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Most of our news revolves around the Mac this week, as a reminder that we’ll know what Apple is going to announce on Wednesday when they announce it, and not before. Most notably, Apple announced record sales and profits today, selling more Macs (and iPhones) than ever before. Also, Mozilla has shipped a notable – though not entirely in a good way – new version of Firefox, Apple has finally updated Boot Camp to support Windows 7, and much of the community buzz of late surrounds a grassroots movement to create an email client for power users. Joe Kissell contributes an extensive look at why photos from Photoshop Elements can look so much worse on the Web, and Adam covers Amazon’s futile attempt to steal Apple’s thunder by opening the Kindle up to developers. Notable software releases this week include Phone Amego 1.1.9, Firmware Restoration CD 1.8, Things 1.2.9, Spell Catcher 10.3.3, TextWrangler 3.1, Mac Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.4, Xserve EFI Firmware Update 1.2, and Security Update 2010-001.

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ExtraBITS for 25 January 2010

As we desperately try to ignore all the pointless speculation about what Apple may or may not announce this week, we found ourselves reading somewhat more broadly than usual. Google is updating high-resolution satellite images of Haiti to aid relief efforts, the White House has released an iPhone app, GigaOM collected lots of App Store stats into a single infographic, and the Stanford Hospital is using a cutting edge (from the 19th century) networking technology to move lab samples around the building.