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And now, for something completely sticky, read about the forthcoming GUM. Then we move into slimy with some more legal and virus news. Symantec’s upgrade policies for Norton Utilities are all wet, but Dantz will clean up after itself with a free upgrade to DiskFit Pro. Of course, Apple has some solid new products, as does CE with QuickMessenger for developers, and finally, stop needlessly harassing the FCC about that old modem surcharge proposal.

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Mark H. Anbinder writes to tell us the latest in the court case concerning Mark Pilgrim and David Blumenthal, authors of the MBDF virus discovered this spring

Adam Engst No comments

AutoDoubler Support from Fifth

AutoDoubler Support from Fifth -- Robert Hess passes on this note. "FileDirector 3.1 from Fifth Generation Systems includes a brand new version of DiskTools which, among other enhancements, includes additional support for DiskDoubler and AutoDoubler from Salient Software

Adam Engst No comments

NUM Upgrade Costs Updated

Sendhil Revuluri recently pointed out that we published an incomplete set of upgrade prices for Norton Utilities for Macintosh (NUM) 2.0. Symantec is offering a lower price to registered users of Norton Utilities 1.1 (as opposed to users of SUM II or NUM 1.0), so if you purchased that package, you can upgrade for only $20

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More Utilities, By GUM

"What does the world need," you may ask if you're one of those who is always asking essentially rhetorical questions. If you're Guy Kawasaki and After Hours Software, the answer is another collection of useful utilities, seemingly along the lines of the popular Now Utilities from Now Software

Adam Engst No comments

DiskFit News

Dantz Development's popular backup program, DiskFit Pro, has been in the net conversations recently, though mostly on CompuServe. It appears that DiskFit Pro has a few bugs and confusing changes from previous versions, and those bugs have convinced Dantz to send a free upgrade to 1.1 to all registered users when 1.1 is done (soon is all I can say about the timing). The first complaints about DiskFit Pro stemmed from Dantz's decision to change the Only Applications and Only Documents selections so that items in the System Folder were not included

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

CE Ships QuickMessenger

Fulfilling an old promise to allow integration between QuickMail and non-mail applications, CE Software recently announced QuickMessenger, an API (or application programming interface) that will allow developers to enable their applications to send QuickMail messages. QuickMessenger includes eleven routines that may be called by any application to perform such operations as sending messages or files, searching for user addresses via the NameServer, looking up the contents of QuickMail address books or groups, and obtaining lists of MailCenters and zones

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

Warnings and Upgrades

LC II Ethernet Card -- Users who have an old Macintosh LC Ethernet Card and need to use it with a Mac LC II (if, for example, they have upgraded their LCs to LC IIs) will need to upgrade the card to a Macintosh LC II Ethernet Card

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

New Products from Apple

Once again Apple has shown they mean business with their plans to offer a steady stream of new products. Just today, the company introduced its new series of commercial system enhancement software, and replaced the Quadra 900, only seven months old, with the new Quadra 950. A few months ago, Apple revealed its plan to offer certain kinds of system software, such as enhancements that only some users will need, as separate commercial products

Adam Engst No comments

FCC Flap

Those of you on the nets may have noticed a flurry of postings about a proposed Federal Communications Commission (FCC) surcharge on modem users. Just to get this out in the open right away, this rumor is FALSE! Phew, now that we've cleared the air and everyone can stop being irate at the FCC, let's look at this in a little more detail. I can't say that this posting is specifically a hoax, because that implies willful maliciousness on the part of an individual