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Many Apple professionals depend on the Microsoft Office for Mac and iOS Accredited Support Professional program, but it appears to be in limbo, without any scheduled events and no word from Microsoft as to its future. Apple users have lately been plagued by a pair of problems: a security vulnerability associated with the popular Sparkle update framework in OS X and the mysterious Error 53 that has locked out iPhone users. Josh Centers and Adam Engst explain what to do about both, before turning their attention to another OS X hidden treasure: Quick Look, which turns out to be far deeper than even they had imagined. Notable software releases this week include PopChar X 7.4, Piezo 1.5, Hazel 3.3.7, and 1Password 6.0.2.

Adam Engst Josh Centers 17 comments

OS X Hidden Treasures: Quick Look

Quick Look can help you peer inside files quickly, but it’s easy to miss or forget about. Read on to learn how to use Quick Look from the Finder, within some of Apple’s apps, and from the command line. We’ll also share some tricks you may not know and some of our favorite plug-ins that make Quick Look even more useful.

TidBITS Staff No comments

ExtraBITS for 15 February 2016

In this week’s ExtraBITS collection, Google is shutting down its Picasa photo service, a serious (but now fixed) bug in Adobe Creative Cloud’s Mac software deletes files, Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus sets his criticisms of iTunes to music, Apple Music works with Sonos audio systems, and the Apple Store is installing Belkin screen protectors on iPhones.