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TidBITS goes international this week, with news of a free Italian extension that activates the delete forward key on extended keyboards, the announcement of "Caring For Your Wrists," a file we distributed to the world at large for free to help prevent repetitive stress injuries, a report on the latest update to Nisus that makes it even more language-savvy, and a great article from Tig Tillinghast looking at problems with overseas software prices.

Adam Engst No comments


It turns out that the Celestin Company mentioned in the last TidBITS just moved. The new address, effective 15-Mar-93 is: Celestin Company 1152 Hastings Avenue Port Townsend, WA 98368 800/835 5514 toll-free 206/385 3767 main number 206/385 3586 fax America Online: Celestin CompuServe: 71630,650 Delphi: PCELESTIN GEnie: P.CELESTIN National Videotext Network: pcelestin WELL: celestin Internet: [email protected]

Adam Engst No comments

Rumor Correction

Rumor Correction -- Oops - Pythaeus wrote to tell us that Apple's forthcoming active-matrix color LCD PowerBook will be called the 180c and will sport a 640 by 480 screen, as opposed to the 640 by 400 LCD screens we are used to on the PowerBooks

Adam Engst No comments

Delete Forward Usage

In his article on the Apple Adjustable Keyboard (TidBITS-166), Joe Clark commented that the keyboard product manager claimed that Apple's tests showed that no one uses the delete forward key

Adam Engst No comments

Caring For Your Wrists

As you know, both Tonya and I suffer from wrist problems, carpal tunnel for me and tendonitis for her. Our special issue on the subject is in the making (special issues are a bear to get out), but we recently put something together for people who either have or are at risk from the same problems

Mark H. Anbinder No comments

Notes from the Apple Catalog

Macintosh Portable Supplies -- Macintosh Portable owners will be pleased to hear that Apple hasn't abandoned them. Mac Portable batteries are in short supply at most dealers, who understandably don't want to stock infrequently requested items, but Apple's latest catalog includes this hard-to-find item

Adam Engst No comments

Nisus 3.4 Hits the World

Nisus Software just announced availability of Nisus 3.4, an upgrade from the current 3.06-040 version of Nisus. Although 3.4 includes a number of significant normal features that I'll discuss in a bit, Nisus Software is targeting users of multiple languages since Nisus 3.4 is the only high-end word processor that takes advantage of all the languages available in the WorldScript system, mixing up to 18 different languages in a single document (reading them all is your problem)