Macworld news abounds this issue, with brief looks at some of the more interesting new products from the show, along with a full review of the runaway hit, Connectix’s fabulous RAM Doubler. Mark Anbinder looks at Second Sight 3.0, and just to make sure you’re feeling sufficiently poor, we report just what Sculley received in his severance package from Apple. Ick.
A number of people wrote to whack on me for claiming the Tab key was related to the metal tabs on a mechanical typewriter, saying instead that it is short for "tabulator," a device for making tables
Almost-free Internet access is available from the Washington DC-based non-profit International Internet Association. The group, funded primarily by private donations with some commercial input, hopes to give away up to 25,000 free Internet accounts and has given away over 9,000 as of several weeks ago at the rate of about 150 per day
Just in case you were concerned about how John Sculley was forced out of Apple in a takeover by Michael Spindler, I thought I'd pass on the description of Sculley's severance package
I may be jaded, but Macworld doesn't sport the same attraction as it used to. Some of the lost luster is due no doubt to my increased knowledge of the industry, but that's not the entire story
Even though I may not have been thoroughly impressed by the products at the show, there were plenty of products worth mentioning. These in no way relate to each other - I just found them interesting at the show or in press materials
The FreeSoft Company recently shipped the long-awaited 3.0 release of their popular Second Sight bulletin board software. Second Sight 3.0 is the successor to Red Ryder Host and Second Sight version 2.1; the company also publishes White Knight, the popular terminal software formerly known as Red Ryder.
Although graphical interface BBS software and mail packages such as FirstClass, TeleFinder, and NovaLink Pro have taken over much of the Mac-based BBS, service bureau, and email market, text-based BBS software such as Second Sight is still popular
The software hit of Macworld SF was definitely Connectix's RAM Doubler. Roy McDonald, Connectix's president, said that they sold about 3,000 copies at the show, and about another 3,000 through normal channels